Each window picture is a link that can be clicked on with your mouse, that opens a larger image, so you can examine the beauty of the windows in more detail.
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Holy Eucharist II - Sundays @ 10:30 am
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St. James windows were handcrafted by the Connick Studios of Boston, Mass
Charles Jay Connick (1875 – 1945) was an American painter, muralist, and designer best known for his work in stained glass in the Gothic Revival style. Born in Springboro, Penn., Connick eventually settled in the Boston area where he opened his studio in 1913. Connick’s windows adorn the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and St. Patrick’s Cathedral in, New York City, and other preeminent churches and chapels across the United States, including in Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. Church Street United Methodist Church in, Knoxville, TN, also has windows by Connick.
"If churches are made radiant and beautiful places of worship, we can have a spiritual regeneration without anyone knowing what is going on. Beauty can preach as very few men with bundles of words can preach. I want to make beautiful interiors for both churches and souls. I want people to hear my windows singing . . ." –Charles J. Connick
1. “Archangels Raphael and Uriel”. The archangel Raphael is shown with a fish, which alludes to the healing of Tobit with the gall of a fish (Tobit 11:7-14), and a staff. The archangel Uriel, whose name means “God is my light” holds a shining globe and was known as the regent of the sun or as the keeper of beauty and light.
Dedication: In loving memory of the children of Philander Seymour and Elizabeth Jones Egbert
2. “Archangels Gabriel and Michael”. Gabriel, the archangel who appeared to Zechariah and the Virgin Mary, holds a stem of lilies, which is a symbol of the annunciation and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The archangel Michael holds a flaming sword, symbolizing the power of God, and scales symbolizing his role in weighing souls on judgment day.
Dedication: In loving memory of Philander Seymour and Elizabeth Jones Egbert
3. “The Hopper Window” This window, located at the back of the nave, features the Agnus Dei or Lamb of God symbolizing Jesus Christ. The descending dove symbolizing the Holy Spirit, the cross and crown of Christ the King and the scallop shells of St. James.
Dedication: In loving memory of Eugene Newcomb Hopper • Beloved Rector of St. James church 1925-1956.
Windows in the nave. Each window portrays two saints. Below each saint appears his or her symbol; beneath the symbol an angel holds a banner with the saint’s name. Click on the images to see larger versions.
4. “St. Philip, the Apostle and St. James, the Lesser”. St. Philip holds a basket of bread, reminding us that he was present at the feeding of the five thousand and a staff with a cross; below him are the patriarchal cross and arrow symbols. St. James the Lesser is shown holding a fuller’s bat, with a saw below him; according to tradition, both were instruments used in his death. Note the Masonic Double Eagle and Order of the Eastern Star emblems.
Dedication: In loving memory of William T. McNamara and Mildred C. McNamara.
7. “St. Thomas and St. Barnabas”. A builder by trade, St. Thomas holds a T-square; below him appears a spear, the weapon used in his death as a martyr. St. Barnabas, holds the Gospel of Matthew; below him are three stones, reminding us that he was stoned as a martyr.
Dedication: In memory of Wilma C. Humbard and John L. Humbard
8. “St. Stephen and St. Paul”. St. Stephen holds a quill pen and book; a censer burner appears below him. St. Paul holds a book and a sword, representing the weapon believed to have been used in his martyrdom. Below him are symbols of water reminding us that Paul said “when you were buried with him in baptism, you were also raised with him through faith” (Colossians 2:12). Note: a Purple Heart appears at the bottom of the St. Stephen window honoring a parishioner lost in combat.
Dedication: In loving memory of David VanCott Radcliffe, lost in Korea 1952, Lord Jesus receive my spirit.
9. “St. Simon and St. Jude”. Beneath St. Simon, is a symbol of fish, depicting his former life as he a fisherman. St. Jude holds a ship, symbolizing his having been a boat builder; below him is a shield containing a club, reminding us that as a martyr he was clubbed to death.
Dedication: In memory of Frances Wipple Thomson
10. “St. Mary and St. Martha, sisters of Lazarus”. St. Mary is portrayed praying; below her, the flaming lamp signifies the light of wisdom and faith. St. Martha, who holds a basket of fruit, is shown above a skein of flax symbolizing her domestic skills.
Dedication: To the Glory of God and in loving memory of the parents of Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Lawrence.
11. “St. Matthew and St. Bartholomew”. St. Matthew holds a scroll in his hand, and below him is the money bag symbol – a reference to his former job as tax collector. St. Bartholomew holds the Gospel of St. Matthew, and below him appear a shield with three knives, recalling torture he endured as a martyr.
Dedication: In loving memory of William McDonald Goodman and Florence Hardin Goodman
12. “St. James and St. John”. St. James, for whom St. James Church is named, and his brother St. John, were sons of Zebedee and close companions of Jesus. St. James holds a staff and, wears a hat with a scallop shell. Below him are three shells that signify his travel by sea to Spain, where he preached the Gospel and where tradition holds his remains were buried. St. John holds a chalice which is sometimes depicted containing a serpent in reference to his enemies’ who attempted to poison him. Below him is the eagle, which according to tradition is a creature able to look straight into the sun, signifying that Christians should look on eternity without flinching as they journey toward union with God. Note that both are depicted as standing in grass.
Dedication: Given by Alice Pritchard Lawrence in loving memory of her husband James Thomas Lawrence and their daughters, Gladys and Ruth
13. “St. Mark and St. Luke”. Both saints hold a quill pen and a book, symbolizing their authorship of two of the Gospels. Below St. Mark appears his symbol the lion, here shown with wings. St. Luke’s symbol is the ox, also depicted with wings. The wings in both symbols reference visions of four winged creatures described in Ezekiel 1:10 and Revelation 4:7, and later applied by the early church to the four evangelists.
Dedication: To the Glory of God and in memory of Kenneth Haws
14. “St. Andrew and St. Peter”. St. Andrew and St. Peter were brothers. St. Andrew is shown with the saltire, now known as St. Andrew’s Cross, on which he became a martyr; below him are fish, symbolizing his former life as a fisherman. St. Peter holds the keys to heaven, signifying his designation as the first bishop of Rome (or pope); the rooster below him reminds us that Peter denied Jesus three times before the cock crowed.
Dedication: To the Glory of God, in loving memory of James T. Speer.
Windows in the Epiphany Chapel. The following windows are in the left transept of the church, which is called the Epiphany Chapel, named in honor of Epiphany Episcopal Church, the predecessor to St. James.
15. “Three Crowns”. Epiphany Chapel Door. The Bible makes it clear that the calling of Christians is to eventually become “kings and priests” in the Kingdom of God (Revelation 1:6). Kings and priests typically wore crowns. The crowns represent the Crown of Rightousness, the Crown of Life, and the Crown of Glory.
16. “St. John the Baptist and St. Joseph”. St. John the Baptist is shown holding a cross and with one foot in water, symbolizing his role in baptizing Jesus; below him is the Agnus Dei, a symbol representing Christ. St. Joseph, husband of Mary and legal father of Jesus, holds a staff with lily blossoms in one hand and a carpenter’s square in the other; both symbols also appear below him. According to legend, Joseph was chosen by God because of the blossoming of his staff like a lily; the carpenter’s square symbolizes his profession.
Dedication: In loving memory of the parents of Stanley and Josephine Fiege.
17. “St. Elizabeth and the Virgin Mary”. St. Elizabeth, mother of St. John the Baptist, is shown with an anchor, a common Christian symbol, and a skein of wool or flax as she was a homemaker. The Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, is shown with her hands crossed in piety; her monogram denoting ‘Maria Regina’ appears below.
Dedication: In loving memory of Helen Hamilton Turner, ‘My soul doth magnify the Lord’ • St. Luke 1:46
18. “The Three Wise Men”. This is the only window that depicts a biblical story, the presentation of gifts to the Christ Child by the Three Wise Men or Kings of the East and the Bethlehem star. This is the story of the Epiphany, so it is fitting that the windows grace the Epiphany Chapel.
Dedication: To the Glory of God and in memory of the faithful members of the Bishop Gailor Chapter.
20. “The Welcoming Christ“. The largest stained glass window in St. James is located above the high altar. It features the Risen Christ flanked by an angel with a trumpet and an angel with a censer burner. The window is rich with color, stars and Christian symbols.
Dedication: To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Louse Haney Hopper – August 21, 1891 – June 9, 1946.
21. “Harp”. Choir Door. Heaven is sometimes symbolically depicted as populated by angels playing harps, giving the instrument associations of the sacred and heavenly. In the Bible, Genesis 4:21 says that Jubal, the first musician and son of Lamech, was ‘the father of all who play’ the harp and flute.
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